Mayor Baranowski visits ProReServ

Gelsenkirchen’s Lord Mayor Frank Baranowski and City Councillor Dr. Christopher Schmitt visited the ProReServ logistics center on “Business Day”

Scanning with distance vision

The logistics center Gelsenkirchen ProReServ GmbH sets throughout the material flow on mobile computers from Honeywell for online barcode scanning.

IFA 2015

ProReServ – Premiere at IFA 2015 – We are your Partner!   Your personal invitation to the IFA 2015 in Berlin from 04. to 09. September 2015 ProReServ is proud to welcome you for the first time on our own booth.   We honestly invite you for a talk with your own personal consultant. You […]

IFA 2015 Berlin

ProReServ showcases Online Fulfilment for retail New business line as a professional addition for trading platforms – online service compliments the areas of logistics, merchandising/rackjobbing, administration and sales – fulfilment service provider exhibits for the first time at the IFA