ProReServ gets younger

EducationProReServ is getting younger ProReServ takes part in IHK Frankfurt’s trainee speed dating – logistics service provider is once again looking for four young people for commercial, technical and industrial apprenticeships in 2018

ProReServ: ProReServ logistics is certified organic

Ecology and sustainability ProReServ logistics is certified organic ProReServ may take over the initial receipt of imported organic goods as well as thestorage, labeling and picking of processed organicproducts – clients thus fulfillverification obligation – ProReServ also offers marketing of organic products.

Mayor Baranowski visits ProReServ

Gelsenkirchen’s Lord Mayor Frank Baranowski and City Councillor Dr. Christopher Schmitt visited the ProReServ logistics center on “Business Day”

CIM Prolag World

ProReServ (Professional Retail Service GmbH) recently implemented CIM GmbH’s Warehouse Management System PROLAG®World to manage their logistics centre in Gelsenkirchen. The WMS is confronted with the wide range of demands of a typical 3PL service provider: 4,000 articles produced by a range of different manufacturers, including hardcopy supplies, mobile phone accessories and peripheral products, are […]

New Website Online

Welcome to the new Website of ProReServ GmbH. We would like comprehensively inform you about our company and services. If you have any specific question on certain topics or looking for new solutions for your company, please contact us directly…